MLS® and Hilterapia® Workshop tour: Denmark

12 June 2024 - Training -

Three workshops to focus on the benefits of using MLS® Laser Therapy in the daily practice of physiotherapists and Rehabilitation specialists and for treating common issues affecting sportspeople. These were the objectives of the training sessions held in Denmark on 29th and 30th May by ASA staff, supported by specialist Mata Karagianni.

The in-depth sessions involved both public and private clinics operating in the world of sports.

“The first workshop –Roberto Terruzzi, ASA Senior Export Sales, explains – was held in the Farvskov municipal clinic, a long-time and very satisfied user of the Mphi 5 device. Our training session however was not only attended by the clinic’s members, but also by the staff of three other centres, who were able to verify the benefits of using MLS® Laser Therapy in the rehabilitation field thanks to the hands-on experience of their colleagues”.

The second stage of the tour chose the location of the Djurslands Bank Arena and was attended by 25 chiropractors and physiotherapists of sports clubs, some of whom already used the Mphi, Mphi 5 and M8 devices.

“In addition to providing those present with additional information to improve the use of MLS® when treating specific conditions, we were also able to analyse Hilterapia® and to spotlight the advantages of M8 and of the new device M-Hi in particular. We also did the same during the meeting held at the Hvidovre Stadium in Copenhagen”.

Workshop participants also had their interest roused by the intervention of Michael Nørregaard. The Chief Medical Officer of the Hvidovre IF Football Team, a prestigious football team in the Danish Premier League, highlighted his positive experience when treating team members with the MLS® systems.

“We are very satisfied with this tour: we met over 70 participants ranging between loyal users of our therapy and potential new customers, whose feedback at the end of each session revealed how they were positively affected by the value both of MLS® and of Hilterapia®”, Terruzzi concludes.

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