ASA: Worldwide Activity Report 2024

11 December 2024 - Corporate -

Whether it’s by taking part in Congresses and Fairs or organising on-site courses or webinars, once again in 2024 ASA has proved to be highly proactive in both the human and veterinary fields. 

This is clearly confirmed by the numbers that describe the company's commitment towards training and participation in international meetings: 
•    21 Conferences and fairs
•    43 training sessions held in person
•    15 webinars to support distributors, loyal customers and new interlocutors. 

The brand visibility strategy went hand in hand with an ad-hoc plan aimed at shortening the distances with its partners and at outlining common future developments. 
The 4 "Partners Meetings" organised during the year by the company are part of this direction. 

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Federico Castellani - ASA Sales Manager

“These meetings were essential not only to present new devices, but also to gather important inputs from our collaborators and to openly discuss the future. Their perception is crucial to improving our products and services and to considering new areas of development”, comments Federico Castellani, ASA Commercial Director.

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