AAOS practice guideline knee osteoarthritis
Therapies - 22/09/2021
This therapy can be concretely effective for treating both acute and chronic knee pain, as it reduces the inflammation and leads to faster healing, in addition to promoting tissue regrowth and to...
Research - 15/09/2021
The results of this study allow defining the neuroprotective mechanisms of the laser therapy carried out by MLS-MiS, to highlight its anti-inflammatory effect and to underline its potential benefit...
Effect of NIR Laser Therapy by MLS‐MiS Source on Fibroblast Activation by Inflammatory Cytokines in Relation to Wound Healing
Research - 12/04/2021
The ASA device have an important anti-inflammatory effect, but it is also effective in controlling fibroblast activation induced by IL‐1β and TNF‐α, probably responsible for a detrimental effect on...
M8 laser treatment for pain due to COVID-19
Research - 09/04/2021
The results actually showed that patients undergoing MLS® Laser Therapy had a rapid recovery
MLS for Subacromial Pain Syndrome
Research - 18/03/2021
In fact, after the application of MLS® Laser Therapy the following was observed improved functionality, reduced pain and reduced disability in the short term.
MLS laser treatment for footpain
Therapies - 03/03/2021
Laser therapy helps to ‘not fall behind’: by generating biochemical reactions and vasodilation and increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients, it facilitates the resolution of the inflammatory...